court house-new



The District Attorney General for the 7th Judicial District is responsible for the prosecution of all alleged violations of state criminal laws; including juvenile offenses. As the chief law enforcement officer, the District Attorney General has a number of other duties in leading law enforcement and the criminal justice system. District Attorney General Dave Clark was sworn into office on September 1, 2006. Under his leadership, the office has taken on gangs, drugs, public corruption and violent crime. At the same time, new initiatives have been implemented to help those victimized by crime as well as to educate the public and the police in efforts to prevent and better solve crime. Since 2006, crime has been reduced by more than 40% with thousands fewer victims each year in Anderson County. Going forward, the District Attorney General is committed to public service, fairness and justice for all with the ultimate goal of continuing to make Anderson County a better and safer community for all our families and citizens.